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HomepageBrandsD.A.V. ElectronicsDAV BG3 & SIPP Mastering Package

DAV BG3 & SIPP Mastering Package

Price ex. VAT

1 725 EUR

Price incl. 21% VAT

2 087 EUR

How much is 3 + 10?

Mastering grade stereo parametric stepped EQ and parallel mix processor bundle.

The SIPP allows the engineer to use outboard processors in ‘parallel’ by allowing any desired mix of wet and dry paths using a continuously variable blend control. The source is fed to a single input and then split into two: The dry path represents the original source which can then be blended with the with the ‘wet’ path which consists of the same source routed to a balanced insert point. The user can connect any piece of outboard, or indeed pieces of outboard to the wet path to achieve a variety of effects.

The BG3 is a Decca heritage high quality stereo mastering equaliser with all click detente controls. Gentle and wonderful, beautiful as a channel EQ, mix bus EQ, or for mastering. 7 dB cut or boost.
Short DescriptionMastering grade stereo parametric stepped EQ and parallel mix processor bundle.
Demo in StoreN/A
ManufacturerDAV Electronics
Valve / Solid StateSolid State
Q TypeNo
High Pass FilterYes
Low Pass FilterNo
High Frequency RangeNo
High Mid Frequency RangeNo
Mid Frequency RangeNo
Low Mid Frequency RangeNo
Low Frequency RangeNo
Channel CountDual Channel
Digital I/ON/A

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